since ‎09-07-2021

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Hello , community.I am curios of SPBm, and going to get some second hand 4950 for a lab, but confuse of VSP, ERS, fabric attach, fabric connect, BEB, BCB, my first question is could ERS4950 act as BCB/BED, such two 4950(BEB) connect an intermediate 4...
I am curios, motorola implement dynamic routing protocol such ospf/bgp on ap7522? what scenario can ospf on ap7522 be use for?
AP: ap7522-044FA8>show wireless client statistic rf | inc 16-F7-F9 E0-E1-A9-16-F7-F9 -40(5) -92 52(5) 228(4) 189(4) 0.00 0 5 5.96(5)​ client: rui@odc2-2 /e/s/network> sudo iw dev usb_wifi1 link Connected to 74:67:f7:2e:1b:31 (on usb_wifi1) SS...
I deploy 4 APs at home, here is the cli output of the original ACSP # show acsp Interface Channel select state Primary channel Channel width Power ctrl state Tx power(dbm) Use Last Selection --------- --------------------- ---------------- ---...
hi, community.Q1:Because the APs are deploy on a restricted Internet access environment. so, any possible to implement local ppsk with cwp for end user register them-self?Q2:Is there IDM virtual appliance out there to deploy locally?​