Hi All,
We have a vlan that doesn't need to be protected by EAPS anymore. So I am looking for a step-by-step procedure to delete vlan from EAPS domain without causing any outages.
Thank You
Many thanks Chris, Hagemann and Christina for sharing all the information. Moving forward if we take off the link between core 2 and 4 then can I disable eaps on all four core switches? or do I have to delete vlans first from eaps domain before disab...
Hi Hagemann, thank you for your quick response. Apologies for hassling you with too many questions, the problem is I haven't done any work with eaps in the past, so I am simply not comfortable with eaps. I just wanted to ask you one more thing. I hav...
Hi Hagemann, Many thanks for your response. So when deleting the vlan from ring ports or deleting the vlan from the eaps domain. Do I have to do this on the master node first and then on transit nodes? Is there any order that I should follow?