Product Model: Summit X670V-48t-FB-AC
Software Version:
Ethernet Switchport 1:7 remain in ready status even if a device is connected on it. I tried many different cables and devices but the Switchport doesn’t come Active but everything wo...
Hi all,
on switch B5G124-24 fw. I report the following issue:
I have to save on current.log file all syslog messages by applying the following configuration:
set logging local console enable file enable
set logging default f...
Dear all, I configured a B3 Enterasys switch (with the latest firmware on it B3-661100008) for MAC authentication purpose via a RADIUS Server (Ip address I used the following commands: set radius server 1 1812 Passwo...
I found on port 1:7 configuration ("Show conf detail | include 1:7):
configure ports 1:7 auto on speed 10G duplex full
I have just execute the command:
configure ports 1:7 auto on
And that Switchport starts to work, I don't know if it is a bug or ...
Jason, looking at your configuration I found what I didn't check on B3 switch configuration. it's the "multiauth" modality. On B3 series (But also A2, A4, N7 series) switch the "multiauth" mode is set by default as "strict", it means that only 80...