Hi Sam,Would you know when we could expect an update on SA-2024-075 - regreSSHion Vulnerability in OpenSSH Server (CVE-2024-6387)?For instance ExtremeCloud IQ (XIQ) is still on "Investigating". Also ExtremeCloud IQ Controller (IQC/XCC) and IQ Engine ...
I would take a look at the Command Line Interface Cross-Reference Guide. These have a number of commands also in relation with the Cisco commands. You can find it here: https://documentation.extremenetworks.com/CLI_X-Ref/1.0/CLI_X-Ref_Guide_1.0.pdf?_...
Are u sure that your clients get the right VLAN's assigned on the WLAN AP? And is this traffic tagged as it should on the AP's interface?How did you learn the mac addresses on the switch when you had AP Aware disabled?------------------------------- ...
And, did the first part work? Did you lose the client netlogin sessions?For the second part, you might need to switch to the advance view?
It could also be that you'll need to change the "attributes to send", depending on what is configured there.
Hi Marek,Normally you would not expect your wireless clients being authenticated on the switchport. This is done by the AP.Make sure that the "AP Aware" option is enabled on the AP's policy. This should overcome this issue. Now only your AP should be...