Hi Chris,
Yes, you can do floating static routes using optional 'distance' keyword, which is 1 by default, e.g:
code:VDX8(config-rbridge-id-111)# ip route distance 250
Many thanks,
Hi Pawel,
You should be able to do the following
code:sw0(config)# do sh run rb int ve 10 rbridge-id 3 interface Ve 10 ip proxy-arp ip address no shutdown ! ! sw0(config)# do sh run vcs vcs virtual ip address inba...
Hi Pawel,
FVG is more for data traffic, to act as the gateway for hosts on the subnets and I don't think you can use it reliably for any TCP/UDP communication, where is has to be source or destination. Instead you could use "vcs virtual ip address"...
as long as you are selecting ranges of ports on a single VDX/linecard, you can do commas:
code:rb3(config)# int te 2/0/1-10,13-20,23-33rb3(conf-if-te-2/0/1-10,13-20,23-33)#
I don't think you can do ranges across VDXes or linecards.
Many thanks,