No, the license is, as far as I know, always perpetual. Not renewing the support is just that, no more support. The functions the license has unlocked will remain. I X450 switches almost two decades old that have core licenses and would still have th...
April 2nd, 2024, Extreme has to remove all EXOS firmware older than a certain release, including releases from early 2024. This means that all BD8k firmware was removed. Those who didn't download the old releases proactively are out of luck I'm afrai...
You should probably upgrade to first. If you don't use the features, you can disable them:configure policy convergence-endpoint disableunconfigure policy rule admin-profile port 1:52 If you cannot do that and need to work around th...
Part numer 10405 will get you 4 x 25 G with 2 km reach over SM. It is equipped with a pigtail with MPO contact that you can split into LC or SC with a suitable split box or another pigtail. It is compatible with the 7720 for both EXOS/SE and VOSS/Fab...