Hi Friends,
I have two switches Enterasys and four computers as below:
switch 1 - Enterasys B3 with:
Computer A in port ge.1.1
Computer B in port ge.1.2
switch 2 - Entreasys B3 with:
Computer C in port ge.1.1
Computer D in port ge.1.2
The two s...
Hi Edson
This problem is solved.
The switches configuration are correct. The problem was in the interface of host ethernet of host C. I correct it and then all is OK.
Hi Edson,
I eliminate host D and change number of ports, but the question is the same.
I need that: Host A talk with B and C, but B don't talk with C.
With the configuration below, when in host A I do a ping to B, I have a answer, it's right, bu...