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since ‎09-07-2021

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HI, we will aktivate WDS on some 3610 AP with 5 running VNS on it and 4110 Controller to connect a few little different WLAN Router in WDS Client Bridge Mode to connect some none cabling Offices to our Network. I didn't know what Topology use the 3...
Hi, we use WLAN Guest Access withhelp from Guestportal on C4110 WLAN Controller. We also use als some basic funktionality from Enterasys NetSight Management (Console,Inventory Manager, Policy Manager not yet used) I've got the challange to resolve...
Hi, is it possible to automaticaly import a guest user file into the controller (cron job or such)? How? Or, can we "push" the guest user to the Controller? We try to implement a easier Management for User and Guest on our Hospital. Thx Thomas