I have 2 AP630s that I am unable to get connected to the cloud after deploying them on my account. I have deployed an AP650 and had no issues with communication with the cloud. I am also able to ping from the AP630s. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is my "show capwap client" output
AH-19e200#show capwap client
CAPWAP client: Enabled
CAPWAP transport mode: UDP
DTLS state: Handshaking with CAPWAP server using DTLS
CAPWAP client IP:
CAPWAP server IP:
HiveManager Primary Name:va2-cws-21.extremecloudiq.com
HiveManager Backup Name: va2-cwm.extremecloudiq.com
CAPWAP Default Server Name: redirector.aerohive.com
Virtual HiveManager Name:
Server destination Port: 12222
CAPWAP send event: Enabled
CAPWAP DTLS state: Enabled
CAPWAP DTLS negotiation: Enabled
DTLS next connect status: Enable
DTLS always accept bootstrap passphrase: Enabled
DTLS session status: Disconnect
DTLS key type: passphrase
DTLS session cut interval: 5 seconds
DTLS handshake wait interval: 60 seconds
DTLS Max retry count: 3
DTLS authorize failed: 0
DTLS reconnect count: 0
Discovery interval: 5 seconds
Heartbeat interval: 30 seconds
Max discovery interval: 10 seconds
Neighbor dead interval:105 seconds
Silent interval: 15 seconds
Wait join interval: 60 seconds
Discovery count: 0
Max discovery count: 3
Retransmit count: 0
Max retransmit count: 2
Primary server tries: 1
Backup server tries: 0
Keepalives lost/sent: 0/8
Event packet drop due to buffer shortage: 0
Event packet drop due to loss connection: 3