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Am I missing something setup wise for using aeorhives as AP's to bridge to a device?

Am I missing something setup wise for using aeorhives as AP's to bridge to a device?

New Contributor

My company uses Aerohive access points.


Here is the situation. I have a device that has a Lan output only (RJ45) and needs to have a static ip. IE for example.


To get this device on the network I have a wireless device i am attempting to use as a bridge to one of our aerohive access points.


We have setup SSID WLAN-MDM with WPA/WPA2 PSK TKIP from the Aeorhive side. It is set to DHCP with 10.1.X.X and everything is already configured to span VLAN's. We have existing devices that already work on this "WLAN-MDM" network so the WLAN-MDM seems to be configured correctly, just nothing that has been bridged like what we are trying.


My device (An EnGenius Enstation5-AC in WDS Station mode connects to the access point WLAN-MDM just fine.

“WLAN-MDM; 88:DC:96:69:18:0C; 9.15 MB(122463 Pkts.); 2.80 MB(39127 Pkts.)”

On aeorhive it shows the account and the passcode are working just fine and that the device is connected to the access point.


I should theoretically then be able to ping or get out from the local device to something that is connected to the access point network (for example and rdp session, ping, or fileshare). I can’t get out at all despite the fact that the enstation shows connected AND the aeorhive web portal shows my device connected and its associated account.


Contributor II

Sounds like you've got a client device plugged in to an EnGenius access point, and the EnGenius access point is connecting to the Aerohive access point. Unless the EnGenius AP was giving DHCP to that client device or set up as some kind of passthrough mode (not sure this is possible with that equipment, just theoretically),the client device is not going to make it past the EnGenius AP.


Does the client device have a USB port? Might be easier to get a wireless adapter that you can plug in to the USB port.

View solution in original post


New Contributor

Haven't had a problem with many bridging, though some older WAP/Bridges prefer WPA over WPA2. Just disabled DHCP on the WAP/Bridge and it passes through.


I did have a rather inexplicable issue with one bridge that was flakey. Copier with static IP. Could access web gui, and could print, but couldn't scan to email... didn't even hit the firewall. Another bridge with different firmware worked fine.

New Contributor

I think you are right on the money there. The issue we have is that the client device (a PLC in this case) only has a configurable Ethernet port. This makes us resort to a static IP, and makes a usb style network not an option.


Although if anyone has experience bridging corporate networks speak up and let me know.


I believe im going about this wrong. I believe rather than trying to have PLC (static IP)->RJ-45 Wired to an access point or bridge; Then trying to connect to our existing wireless access point. How about a simpler option.


Static IP device wired to dedicated wireless bridge (wireless, radio, microwave, etc) directly to a similar same type hardware device somewhere that this bridge device can access. Then have a managed switch on the other end that can do any vlan switching or routing necessary.


Anyone have experience with something like that?

Contributor II

Sounds like you've got a client device plugged in to an EnGenius access point, and the EnGenius access point is connecting to the Aerohive access point. Unless the EnGenius AP was giving DHCP to that client device or set up as some kind of passthrough mode (not sure this is possible with that equipment, just theoretically),the client device is not going to make it past the EnGenius AP.


Does the client device have a USB port? Might be easier to get a wireless adapter that you can plug in to the USB port.