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AP 630s that are dropping clients very frequently

AP 630s that are dropping clients very frequently

New Contributor

We have new Aerohive 630s.  We are struggling with keeping clients connected.  I use a scanner and see the radios dropping out from time to time (not regular that I can tell) and then they come back. I also see that clients are connecting to APs in other room with much weaker signal that the APs close to them.  Any help


Esteemed Contributor III

Are the APs disconnecting from the HiveManager at all? For the issue of clients connecting to APs with weaker signals, I'd recommend disabling lower data rates. That will require a stronger signal between the AP and the client device, so clients should stay with APs closest to them.


To disable the lower data rates we need to go to Configure> Select the network policy> Open the SSID> Expand Additional Settings> Customize Optional Settings (at the end of the page)>In the 2.4 GHz 11/bg Rate Setting section, we want to turn 1Mbps-9Mbps to N/A. In the 5.0 GHz 11a Rate Setting section we want to turn 6 Mbps and 9 Mbps to N/A.