08-27-2019 03:44 PM
We have new Aerohive 630s. We are struggling with keeping clients connected. I use a scanner and see the radios dropping out from time to time (not regular that I can tell) and then they come back. I also see that clients are connecting to APs in other room with much weaker signal that the APs close to them. Any help
08-27-2019 08:23 PM
Are the APs disconnecting from the HiveManager at all? For the issue of clients connecting to APs with weaker signals, I'd recommend disabling lower data rates. That will require a stronger signal between the AP and the client device, so clients should stay with APs closest to them.
To disable the lower data rates we need to go to Configure> Select the network policy> Open the SSID> Expand Additional Settings> Customize Optional Settings (at the end of the page)>In the 2.4 GHz 11/bg Rate Setting section, we want to turn 1Mbps-9Mbps to N/A. In the 5.0 GHz 11a Rate Setting section we want to turn 6 Mbps and 9 Mbps to N/A.