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Client 360 - Client Trail peculiarities. Response times, duplicate entries, and missing confirmations.

Client 360 - Client Trail peculiarities. Response times, duplicate entries, and missing confirmations.

Contributor II

As you can see in the picture there are 3 things I'm wondering.


  1. Has anyone seen high delays and response time in the client trail details. I'm seeing most of these numbers under 5ms, but at some sites for some clients I'm seeing these numbers spike as high as 3-4000ms. How are these numbers reported, and is this a sign of a possible underlying issue, or maybe a temporary situation not to worry about.
  2. Whats up with the sporadic grey dots? Does this mean anything? What can I do about it?
  3. I'm seeing many duplicate client trail items. This makes analyzing the data difficult and makes me wonder if there are other places where data is being falsely reported. 6d9e66765b704431854657f9744169f8_0694Q000009HydvQAC.png


I haven't noticed issue 1 and 2 but I have been seeing duplicates in the client trails.