‎12-10-2018 02:38 PM
We've tried to update some AP-121 to the latest version of HiveOS, but the update fails and we receive the following error: "Device update Failed".
Rebooting and pushing a complete configuration before update, doesn't solve the issue.
‎12-15-2018 05:51 AM
Hi @Sam Pirok​, I have an AeroHive AP170 on the 6.2r1b firmware, and I am also having issues with updating it to the latest version. Could I please get a copy of some of the older firmwares to perform multiple upgrades to reach the latest one. Thanks, Rahul.
‎12-14-2018 04:23 PM
Sorry about that, I've sent a new link, can you let me know if that one works for you?
‎12-14-2018 03:36 PM
Thanks for the email, but the AP370 firmware may only have been partially downloaded (.crdownload file). Could you please re-upload it?
‎12-14-2018 01:59 PM
Hi @Bill He​ , I have emailed you those filed directly. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.
‎12-14-2018 03:52 AM
I am also having the same issue for my AP170 and AP370, may I request the latest images so I can also try to flash them via the AP's web GUI? Thanks.