12-10-2018 07:17 PM
12-11-2018 01:14 AM
Thank you Sam, I'm going to test this later this evening and will run this if needed. Thank you!
12-10-2018 07:37 PM
Is the DHCP server hosted on this AP, on a different AP in the HiveManager, or on your backend network? If you could get a packet capture, we could see exactly which DHCP packets are getting through and which are not, which would help narrow down the issue. We have two HiveManager platforms so the instructions for how to set up the packet capture differ a bit depending on which one you are using:
HiveManager Classic (myhive.aerohive.com):https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Packet-Capture
HiveManager (formerly NG, cloud.aerohive.com): https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Packet-Capture-in-NG