‎01-28-2019 11:08 PM
‎01-29-2019 08:29 PM
Thank you for checking. Do you have any email alerts set up, and if so, are any of those coming through? Also, could you tell me the URL you see when you are logged in to your HiveManager? I'd like to see what server you are on so I can test on the same server to see if I have the same problem in my lab. I just need up to aerohive.com, for instance "cloud-va2.aerohive.com".
‎01-29-2019 08:24 PM
Hi Sam, I've tried setting up a new PPSK user group, created a new user with the email field populated and tried delivering the message a few times. Unfortunately nothing shows up in the Email Logs.
‎01-29-2019 01:51 PM
The deliver credentials via email option should work with local user groups as well as cloud. If you click on the silhouette icon in the top right hand corner> Global Settings> Email Logs (left hand side menu, under the Logs heading), do you see any emails listed here?