ā01-06-2020 07:29 AM
From Hive HG. Manage -> Devices -> Mark several Ap's > edit. Gives the possibility to apply configuration specific for one or many ap's. How do one remove the configuration that has been applied direct to one or many ap's and let the ap's use the device profile/template configuration instead?
ā01-08-2020 02:47 PM
I've been holding my breath for a way to do this for many months. From what I understand, there is now an icon to indicate if a Switch is out of alignment with its policy (due to manual changes), as well as a "revert to template" button, but this has not yet been rolled out for Access Points.
Hopefully we'll see this sooner than later.
ā01-06-2020 01:36 PM
There is not a way to see what configuration is different on the device specific level vs the configuration, unless you can find an AP that has no device specific settings and compare the "show run" output to an AP that does have different device level configuration.
Removing and re-adding the AP should only take a few minutes, including the configuration update that happens when the AP reconnects.
You can change settings in the device specific settings back to what you would like to use, but you would need to know exactly which settings were different to do it manually.
ā01-06-2020 01:30 PM
Is there ex a way in cli to see what settings has been applied to the that specific ap, and use that info from cli to change / copy paste and thus been able to remove the info that has been applied?
ā01-06-2020 01:29 PM
The settings is example manual 5Ghz channel, manual tx power (in stead of auto), 802.11h on / off. I do understand that to remove it and place it back again will wipe it and give me the possibility to use template settings / network policy, but thats a timeconsuming way of solving / make sure that these settings are within what one one like to have. Is there no possibility to clear specific changes that might have been made (as a test) on a ap and use the template/policies? The only thing that i want to keep is the name of the ap, floor, location on map and the witch policy to use. Otherwise I want standard policy settings.