‎03-29-2019 01:46 PM
Hello everybody,
i have some trouble to block multicast DNS traffic (mDNS) between wireless clients via the user profile based traffic filters.
We are using at our university the on-premises Hivemanager NG (build version ) and about four hundred AP230 (HiveOS 8.3r4 Mayberry build-195604 ). The problem is, that we have a high amount of mDNS multicast traffic, which we want to block directly on the APs. I tried the following things, but with no success:
The mDNS traffic still reach all wireless clients. I also tried to disable the function "Enable inter-station traffic" with no success. If i defined a ip filter to block Netflix, it worked fine. There are also no log entries on the access points about dropped packets (with the exception of the Netflix traffic).
How i can block mDNS traffic on the access points? Are there any mistakes at my configuration? I hope you can help me with your knowledge 🙂
‎04-03-2019 08:08 AM
To block IPv6-mDNS multicast traffic i defined a service which drop packets directed to udp port 5353 and put this entry as the first acl entry. I think it is also possible to use the predefined MDNS service, but i didn't test it anymore.
‎04-02-2019 11:40 AM
I have good news. We have a firewall list with about 40 entries. I added the rule...
now as the first entry and not as the last. Now it works! But i do not understand why? The other rules was just deny rules, which specifies services like Netflix and other streaming services (see figure 1) and the default policy is set to permit. Has anyone a idea?
‎04-02-2019 08:23 AM
Hello Keith,
thanks you very much for your help. I tried all your suggestions, but sadly with no success:
Do you have any other ideas? I do not understand why the blocking for multicast addresses is not working. Is there a special reason for this?
‎03-30-2019 06:55 PM
Actually, stumbled on this KB article which although centered on Chromebooks, has the following:
The article implies simple ACLs such as you are trying will block multicast as well.
Also lots of reports of recent bugs in Google/Android apps re MDNS which may be causing storming.