ā01-19-2020 10:36 PM
ā01-20-2020 08:51 PM
Hi Sam, thanks for getting back so soon. This unusual issue was self-inflicted. It appears that I inserted a space into the ssid's when I recreated it from HMOL into HMNG - which was different from the NPS entries. I am not sure how any devices even connected and of course NO client would be shown as connected in the console.
ā01-20-2020 04:41 PM
Would you be able to send me tech data from an AP that should have clients showing in the GUI? My directly email is communityhelp@aerohive.com, and this guide reviews how to get tech data in ExtremeCloud IQ (formerly HiveManager NG): https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/How-to-download-tech-data-in-HiveManager