‎11-13-2019 06:33 PM
‎11-14-2019 06:54 PM
You can email communityhelp@aerohive.com to figure out if you have a valid support contract. Otherwise, you can add the serial numbers of the devices to your Connect instance and as long as the APs are not already associated to another instance they should make a capwap connection to the Connect instance and upgrade firmware automatically to the minimum supported version.
‎11-14-2019 05:40 PM
‎11-14-2019 05:17 PM
Even if the AP is running an unsupported version it will still connect to XIQ (HiveManager) and then automatically update to a supported version as long as you have a valid license available to manage the device. We also have a free version of XIQ called Connect if you don't have a valid license and would still like to take advantage of our Cloud platform.
‎11-14-2019 05:11 PM
Thanks Keith, I can now access my AP130 via web. Since my contract has recently changed, I guess I don't have access to downloads. Will you send my the latest HiveOS for an AP130? If the other forum boards are correct, once I apply an update greater than 6, the AP will update automatically as intended.
Thanks greatly.