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I created a map and drew in all the walls, etc. Later I discovered some wrong room numbers in the floor plan. If I fix those and upload a new floor plan image will my walls be retained or lost?

I created a map and drew in all the walls, etc. Later I discovered some wrong room numbers in the floor plan. If I fix those and upload a new floor plan image will my walls be retained or lost?

New Contributor
I created a map and drew in all the walls, etc. Later I discovered some wrong room numbers in the floor plan. If I fix those and upload a new floor plan image will my walls be retained or lost?

New Contributor

For those interested, scaling changes also preserve existing walls (without displacing anything). Way to go, Aerohive!

New Contributor

The walls, indeed, remain. Next I will try re-scaling which is another question I had about this area of the Hive.

New Contributor

Thank you Keith! I will attempt this soon. Cloning is a great idea, too.

Valued Contributor II

Hey Gary,

I just tested it and you can replace the map and it will retain the original walls. I would encourage you to clone the floor and test for yourself as different browsers might have different results and I don't want you to loss your work, but it did work for me.


Original floor plan with a couple walls drawn1a3edb02a0644f6ab14848922a417217_0690c000009Ra9hAAC.png


New floor plan with the same wall drawnScreen Shot 2019-11-13 at 10.51.58 AM