‎03-31-2019 12:54 PM
‎10-30-2019 09:59 PM
I have attached a link to the AP30 hardware user guide which may help, look under "Status LED" heading.
‎04-10-2019 02:38 PM
Hi there, my experience is the same. It start's okay whith a solid white glow LED. After a while the LED start to blink fast in white coloring. It's still connected to the HiveManager and I'm using an AP122 with latest firmware 10.0r4. The AP30 - ATOM is running on 8.4r9a.
‎04-08-2019 06:15 AM
I would like to know this as well. The available documentation seems not to cover the specific behaviour. My ATOM is connected wirelessly to the Portal AP (AP650) both running HiveOS 10.0r4. After some time the LED on the ATOM starts to white blink fast. While doing so it is still connected to HiveManager. After rebooting the Portal AP the ATOM will stop blinking and return to glow solid white.
‎04-03-2019 06:31 AM