‎06-21-2019 11:31 AM
‎06-24-2019 05:18 PM
Sorry i was in school.
When did this start? and what do you think might have changed, if anything? ==> Nothing have been changed.
Once they re-connect are they fine from then on or does the problem re-appear? If it re-appears, how long does that take ==> at
randomly time, during maybe 2 minutes
Anything common among the users having issues, or is it all users? ===> all users have the problem
which HiveManager => AP122
Anything else you can think of which would help us understand the problem better. => i use a radius server to have the
Also what version of HiveOS do you use on the accesspoints and what models? ==> AP122 (OS : 10.0r5)
Thanks you
Sorry my english is no perfect.
‎06-24-2019 06:11 AM
Also what version of HiveOS do you use on the accesspoints and what models?
As an example 8.2r4 had this bug with ap130:
"AP130 Wifi1 radio (5 GHz) sometimes stopped transmitting or receiving, resulting in loss of client connectivity."
‎06-23-2019 11:23 PM
Can you describe the symptoms a bit more?