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Non-SAN on-prem Aerohive NG hardware requirement. How did you implement?

Non-SAN on-prem Aerohive NG hardware requirement. How did you implement?

New Contributor

After moving from Classic to NG in our on-prem environment (about a month ago), we started seeing issues. Unable to push out configs, error in data reporting (# of clients connected, etc), a call to support brought up an obscure and rare hardware requirement for NG on prem. No SAN support, must be a directly connected drive, preferably SSD.


I have skepticism from my colleagues, this is a highly rare request for a VM environment in our experience. How did any of you else address this specifically?




New Contributor

To review the problems WE experienced where:

  1. Pushing config's would not process.
  2. Devices connected to AP would be wildly inaccurate.


We're into week 2 with students/staff back - and a check each day shows I can push updates and the client connection count is accurate (hiveNG vs. command line "show station"). We're not at our normal user load yet - I don't see our student BYOD population connecting much yet, but we're certainly much higher than over the summer break.


Before I cheer, I'm waiting to hear of any complaints from the schools (it takes time for people to speak up about problems sometimes, and everyone is busy with school opening - I'd like to see a month + with the changes enacted - as we initially ran 1 month without seeing the problem before we made the NG adjustments.


But so far, things look good. I would say, if you are experiencing problems - applying the changes we did are pretty benign it would seem, you're just basically telling the APs to stop sending all the detailed telemetry - and it can be reversed easily.

New Contributor

Have you seen any issues since making these changes?

New Contributor

We have an update. We discussed the situation with an Aerohive SE and have made the following suggested adjustments. As the issue for us was temporarily fixed by a NG reboot, it's unclear if the changes really 'fixed' our connected device per AP inaccuracy & unable to push configs issue. The jury is still out but I have seen memory utilization drop by 30%.


Adjustments: Edit all network policies - Additional Settings - Device Data Collection (left hand column)


  1. Application Visibility and Control - turn off
  2. Collect statistics every X minutes - set to 60
  3. Kernel Diagnostic Data Recorder(KDDR) - turn off


push to all APs.


This disables much of the statistical reporting features. Our dashboard mostly comes up blank now. So, NG has less work to do storing/accessing all the extensive information such as AP #5 had 30 gigs of Netflix in the last hour, etc..


We could also disable Statistics Collection as well, but for now we're leaving that.


I kinda think of this as NG Lite maybe... we really never used the statistical data within Classic, and NG has a whole lot more (not having the time or staff to leverage it) - so disabling this data reporting isn't a terrible concern, but perhaps someday we'll miss it.


This is NG, 600 APs, summer vacation - low usage, 40 gb memory, 8 cores (though it was suggested we could probably drop to 6 cores).

New Contributor

We are only at 50 and see the issue, though we never saw the issue on older versions, the first time it popped up for us was after running on

New Contributor

Jesse, how many APs in your environment? I just exchanged info with another user who is running on virt/SAN but only has 137 APs - not seeing any issues as of yet.


We are running 600 APs with minimal connections (summer vacation).