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Once you setup the CWP, where does the data go? Where do I go in Hivemanager to view it?

Once you setup the CWP, where does the data go? Where do I go in Hivemanager to view it?

Valued Contributor II
Once you setup the CWP, where does the data go? Where do I go in Hivemanager to view it?

Valued Contributor II

Still not working.

Esteemed Contributor III

If you go in to the SSID> Expand Advanced under optional settings> Where you see User Profile Application Sequence, can we switch that to Captive Web Portal> SSID> Mac authentication? You'd want to push an update out to the APs so they know about the change, and then if you could let me know the results when you try to connect again, I would appreciate it.

Valued Contributor II

If it is heading out bound then it would be open by default. I am certain it is closed coming in. I am probably going to have to roll it all back later today if I can't nail it down.

Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks for that VHM ID, the only issue I've found so far is that the user group and the user profile have a different attribute, those will need to match to make sure users can connect. However, I don't think that's the cause of your issues now. I'm going to review this with a few colleagues to see if they can find something I missed, I'll let you know as soon as I have more information.


Also, I just wanted to confirm, do you know if port TCP2083 is open on the firewall? That's the port we use for CWP traffic, so I just want to make sure it's open.

Valued Contributor II



I have tried with the Apple option turned on and off. Yes, other non-apple devices are having the same problem.