‎11-06-2018 01:40 PM
‎11-07-2018 09:22 PM
I already have "Update hive members in the same subnet and VLAN" unchecked 😉
Tech data is send in 5 minutes
Thnx for the tip!
‎11-07-2018 08:57 PM
Could you tell me what your subnet size is? If we're using something above /23 or /24 that might cause that initial warning. Also, I'd like to disable updates between Hive neighbors in the same subnet to clear up some space for the IP sessions.
You can disable this (assuming you're using HiveManager, formerly NG) by going to Configure> Open the Network Policy> Go to the Additional Settings tab> Left hand side menu under Policy Settings, click on HIVE> Scroll down to the Client Roaming settings> Uncheck the box next to "Update hive members in the same subnet and VLAN". Let's leave "Update all hive members within radio range..." checked so we don't interfere with normal roaming functions.
If you could push that out to a few APs to test, and then let me know if you see any change in the IP session warnings, I would appreciate it. If you could send me tech data from an AP with this issue I can check the usual suspects to make sure nothing stands out, my email is communityhelp@aerohive.com.
Just for future reference, in case some over-zealous support agent requests you run a command with a very long output, the command "console page 0" will tell the device to display all output for any command right away, without needing to hold down the space bar forever. Sorry about that!
‎11-06-2018 08:05 PM
It is an AP130
‎11-06-2018 04:15 PM
What HiveOS are you running? I seem to remember a HiveOS a while back that did not terminate those sessions properly and would fill up the buffer. I believe it was only happening on the AP250s, but I can't quite remember the details. Nor can I find any of my notes on the project I was working on that had the problems. 😞
‎11-06-2018 03:09 PM
show station will only show me the SSID summary
if I do "show forwarding-engine ip-sessions" i can hold my space bar for half an hour 😉
I see a lot of traffic going to port 3000 (UDP):
Id:204; Ageout:55656; Flags:0x20400; QOS:2; L7 ID:65535; ALG=n/a; Up: 0 min 44 sec;
10.x.x.122/43702 -> 10.x.x.106/3000; Proto 17; Flg:0x102; Pkts:1 Bytes:940 Parent-MAC-Sess: 15
10.x.x.106/3000 -> 10.x.x.122/43702; Proto 17; Flg:0x0; Pkts:0 Bytes:0