Hello All,
We are migrating to Extreme AP410C access points on XOS 465 switches and would like to know the proper way to configure the ports via Clearpass Radius. Currently I can have an Extreme access point on an HPE 2930 switch with the following configuration: (this works!)
class ipv4 sit-apnet
match ip any any
policy user sit-ap
class ipv4 sit-apnet action permit
aaa authorization user-role name "AP-Bridge"
policy sit-ap
vlan-id 10
vlan-id-tagged 20,30,40
The above config gets passed from clearpass to the the HPE switch, everytime an AP is connected to the switch. I understand that I cannot use the same with xos switches. So the question is, how are you guys authenticating APs on XOS and also allow the user traffic on these ports?
I have tried the following, and it seems to put the proper vlans on the port, but user traffic on the user vlans does not seem to get a dhcp address. I remember when we tried to make it work on the HPE switches, the key was setting the port to "port-mode" so it wouldn't try to authenticate on the user vlans (because this is already done on the AP itself).
Extreme-Netlogin-Extended-Vlan = U10;T20;T30;
I hope this makes sense. Thanks for your time.