‎05-08-2019 08:05 AM
‎05-15-2019 08:41 AM
Hi Ashley,
I wasn't in the office yesterday. Thanks for your reply: your answers are really useful to me. I'm going to work with it.
May I contact you in future if I have any questions?
Again many thanks!
Kind regards,
‎05-13-2019 02:36 PM
Hi Roel,
Potentially, depending on the use case. If you have one user account to log in that creates all of the guest accounts then the following would work:
Create an account (or edit the existing) for the reception desk as a guest management user. Create a credential distribution group to all them access to the specific guest user group. Once they log in then they will only have access to this page (but only users they have created, rather than the full HiveManager).
Or, you could get an iPad at reception, download the Aerohive Kiosk app so guests can register themselves onto the network. I'm unsure if this option would allow a renewal however.
Alternatively you could cut out the reception desk entirely by using a self registration SSID. but again I don't think this would allow you to renew users: https://thehivecommunity.aerohive.com/s/article/Self-Registration-PPSK-SSID-in-Hivemanager
Could you hand out vouchers with the PPSK? Yes you could create a user group with the following expiration settings: Valid for time period, x time period AFTER FIRST LOGIN > access key must be used with x weeks (saves you continually printing them out!).
Then bulk create users and send the details through to the reception user to print them out.
‎05-13-2019 11:58 AM
Hello Ashley,
Thanks: we'll try this. The way you describe it this shouldn't be to difficult.
May I ask another question: Our reception desk uses the standard Aerohive user interface for adding users but finds it user unfriendly. Is there another (Aerohive) user interface which can be used?
Last question: it possible to hand out vouchers with PPSK on it having an expiration date instead of texting/mailing the PPSK or accessing through Facebook?
Thank you very much.
‎05-13-2019 11:28 AM
You are correct in that if the option wasn't selected originally it will be greyed out. A new group will need to be created.
The best way I can think to do this would be as follows:
Create a new user group for your guest users > go to the SSID > add in the newly created user group > leave the existing group in place for active users and then later on remove this once all users are expired.