‎03-20-2019 12:37 PM
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11(config-Port-channel-66)# do show vlan brief
Total Number of VLANs configured : 24
Total Number of VLANs provisioned : 24
Total Number of VLANs unprovisioned : 0
VLAN Name State Ports Classification
(F)-FCoE (u)-Untagged
(R)-RSPAN (c)-Converged
(T)-TRANSPARENT (t)-Tagged
================ =============== ========================== =============== ====================
1 default ACTIVE Po 10(t)
Po 11(t)
Po 64(t)
Po 65(t)
Po 66(t)
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11(config)# interface Port-channel 66
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11(config-Port-channel-66)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 1
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11(config)# no interface Vlan 1
%%Error: Not Allowed to Delete Vlan Interface 1
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11(config)# no vlan ?
Description: Vlan commands
Possible completions:
classifier Vlan classification commands
dot1q Configure dot1q parameters
Col-xxx-VSP-Sw11# show running-config interface Port-channel 66
interface Port-channel 66
vlag ignore-split
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 22,30,64,70-71,146-151,240,252,999,2002,3333
no switchport trunk tag native-vlan
spanning-tree shutdown
no shutdown
‎03-21-2019 02:31 PM
‎03-21-2019 02:24 PM
VDX1(conf-if-te-1/0/10)# do show run int te 1/0/10
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/0/10
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1000
switchport trunk tag native-vlan
spanning-tree shutdown
fabric isl enable
fabric trunk enable
no shutdown
VDX1(conf-if-te-1/0/10)# do show vlan bri
Total Number of VLANs configured : 11
Total Number of VLANs provisioned : 11
Total Number of VLANs unprovisioned : 0
VLAN Name State Ports Classification
(F)-FCoE (u)-Untagged
(R)-RSPAN (c)-Converged
(T)-TRANSPARENT (t)-Tagged
================ =============== ========================== =============== ====================
1 default ACTIVE Po 1(t)
Po 2(t)
Po 100(t)
Te 1/0/10(t)
Te 1/0/22(t)
switchport mode trunk-no-default-native
conf t
vcs virtual-fabric enable
VDX1# show run int te 1/0/10
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/0/10
switchport mode trunk-no-default-native
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1000
spanning-tree shutdown
fabric isl enable
fabric trunk enable
no shutdown
VDX1# show vlan bri
Total Number of VLANs configured : 11
Total Number of VLANs provisioned : 11
Total Number of VLANs unprovisioned : 0
VLAN Name State Ports Classification
(F)-FCoE (u)-Untagged
(R)-RSPAN (c)-Converged
(T)-TRANSPARENT (t)-Tagged
================ =============== ========================== =============== ====================
1 default ACTIVE Po 1(t)
Po 2(t)
Po 100(t)
Te 1/0/22(t)
‎03-21-2019 11:05 AM
‎03-21-2019 01:53 AM