06-13-2023 01:04 AM
while trying to disable backup routing its not working , refer below log
efa fabric setting update --name fabric1 --backup-routing-enable no
Error : fabric1: fabric is already active and cannot be updated
06-13-2023 06:18 AM
The error is indicating that your fabric is already active, meaning that you have already pushed the configuration to the IP fabric via the "efa fabric configure --name [fabric_name]" command. You will need to delete and recreate your fabric.
These settings are the only ones that can be updated after adding devices and configuring the fabric:
Please review page 88 of the admin guide.
06-15-2023 05:25 AM
Hello Michael,
DC is live now, if i delete and re-create the fabric i will have impact . is there any way via update or operation command if it can be modify that backup-ipv4 -range .?
ex- efa fabric setting update --name FABRIC --backup-routing-ipv4-range <new ip>