06-10-2023 04:36 AM
Hello VDX Experts,
Need assistance as I'm unable to create static ARP entry :
Config snip :
extreme01#show running-config rbridge-id 1 interface ve 20
rbridge-id 1
interface Ve 20
vrf forwarding RED
ip proxy-arp
ip arp learn-any
ip address
no shutdown
extreme01# show run int vl 20
interface Vlan 20
name TEST_VLAN_20
extreme01# show run int te 1/0/3
interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/0/3
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan add 20
switchport trunk tag native-vlan
spanning-tree shutdown
no fabric isl enable
no fabric trunk enable
no shutdown
extreme01# show running-config rbridge-id 1 vrf RED
rbridge-id 1
vrf RED
rd 10:10
address-family ipv4 unicast
ip route
arp 0000.00a2.1100 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/0/3
extreme01# show run | i mac
mac-address-table static 0000.00a2.1100 forward tengigabitethernet 1/0/3 vlan 20
extreme01# show arp vrf RED
Entries in VRF RED : 1
Address Mac-address L3 Interface L2 Interface Age Type
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnResolved Ve 20 UnResolv 00:00:00 PreArp
As ARP is unresolved so traffic destined to IP subnet is dropping.
please assist with static ARP.
Solved! Go to Solution.
06-12-2023 11:56 PM
Can you try clearing the arp with the no-refresh option, so the dynamic arp learned entry is removed?
clear arp ip no-refresh vrf RED
Then, try to ping it from the VDX.
06-12-2023 11:04 AM
I see that you did a static mac and static arp entry. Can you confirm if the mac is being learned if you remove the static mac entry? Can the VDX ping
06-12-2023 10:44 PM
MAC is learned and I'm not able to ping as ARP is unresolved.
The server connected to interface Te 1/0/3 is silent and it does not handle ARP traffic but if we send a data packet to it then it responds.
so my moto is to send the packet out of Te 1/0/3 if the next hop is
06-12-2023 11:56 PM
Can you try clearing the arp with the no-refresh option, so the dynamic arp learned entry is removed?
clear arp ip no-refresh vrf RED
Then, try to ping it from the VDX.