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New Documentation Published March 26th-April 1st!

New Documentation Published March 26th-April 1st!

Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Our support teams published 76 new articles last week! Check out the new titles below!

Campus Fabric Articles

Incorrect IP address assigned to PC from the DHCP server 

RADIUS Server Not Reachable 

"Error: Failed to create user" When Trying To Add Username Containing a Period/Dot 

GlobalRouter IP ERROR rcIpVrrpIn: Misconfigured Advertisement type (regular Advtisement) for Vrid 1 ... 

VSP 4900: Stopped responding, lot of diagnostic data printed on console 

VOSS / Fabric Engine – Traffic Flood Causes Congestion on Next Hop Device 

VSP7400: Switch cored with Error "carbonatelib_ps_read_eeprom" 

Does EDM Support Multiple rwa User Accounts 

Can XIQ Be Used For Ongoing Configuration of VOSS/Fabric Engine Switches Initially Configured From C... 

Fabric Engine : MAC address visible on wrong port on a MAC security enabled switch 

ERS 4900: Radius parameters for BOSS 

XA1480: No ARP resolution in mgmt VLAN 

[VOSS] VSP/ERS Should SLPP be configured on an FE (Fabric Extend) connection 

How to associate port to existing elan i-sid (flex-mode UNI)? 

VOSS : Network instability when huge number of Application Telemetry GRE packets passes via external... 

VOSS: How to convert the Hex value to decimal for OID rcVlanPortVlanIdList?


Data Center Articles

Power supply down on BR-VDX6940-36Q chassis 

How to enable MSTP on VDX 

When adding an IP address to VRF mgmt interface the ip gateway address is listed as 

SLX8720 | 20.4.3 |EFA 3.0.0 |Switch doesn’t exist the maintenance mode with enabling MM and reload f... 

DHCP relay does not work with anycast-address 

Increasing LLDP Errors between SLX 9250 and HP server 

Missing REST- and NETCONF documentation about service-policy configuration 

Root password reset to default after SLXOS upgrade through fullinstall option 

SLX9140| 18s103c| BGP EVPN with MCT pair .Some devices in member vlan are not responding and need to... 

SLX8720-32C || 20.3.2b code | After running snmp walk, Monitoring server shows SLX switch CPU/Memory... 

How to add extra user access account in EFA/TPVM other than default extreme user 

Why do VxLAN tunnels show operational state down for some rbridges in a VDX fabric? 

Application Communication Failure error when entering any NOS CLI command. 

20.3.4b| SLX9250-32C | ARP entries are not aged out for two entries and slx is arping for the two ho... 

Cluster Peer Keep-Alive down after changing the management IP address of the peer


EXOS Articles

Why I am seeing "Unable to create DOT1BR MP egress object for vp lag = 8, l3Intf = 13 (Table full)" ... 

Unable to enforce vlan definitions on EXOS switch with XIQ-SE 

Can an External STK-RPS-1105PS be installed on an active X440-G2 switch? 

General Articles

RPS-150 XT and switch 210-24p 

Legacy Articles

XIQ Operator Access Level 

How can you tell if a device is using a randomised MAC address 

After upgrade XIQ-C controller to 10.04.01 the management interface is slow to respond. 

Scheduler for Extreme Campus Controller doesn't change time for daylight savings 

How to setup Extreme Cloud IQ Controller physical management interface through CLI 

XIQ-C - Controller UI is hanging when attempting to make config changes


SD-WAN Articles

Why does the error "Purge event histories" appear in the vistacokpit server? 

Universal Articles

Is FCoE (Fiber Channel over Ethernet) Supported on VOSS/VSP Switches 

How to copy Fabric IPSec Gateway (FIGW) files to VOSS intflash ? 

DHCP Reply isn't received by the computer. 

Can rw Access-Level User Be Configured for EDM Access 

How to set up Fabric IPSec Gateway (FIGW) time and time zone ? 

What is VRRP Fast Advertisement Enable? 

WiNG Articles

What protocol is used to secure management traffic between wing AP and external radius server? 

How can we disable routing services on WiNG devices? 

WiNG 5 Minimum Firmware Version for AP76xx to upgrade to WiNG v7.7.x.x 

Generic AP profile RF Mode error [rf-mode 6GHz-wlan is not supported on radio3] 

WiNG AP460 allows the antenna to be incorrectly configured to 4x4 on radio 1 

Wing Manager v1.0.9 for MAC OS Delayed 

XIQ Articles
APIv2 GET devices request problem: returning duplicate AP list entries in last page 

ExtremeCloud IQ: How to view all AP connected to a specific SSID? 

High CPU usage on AP's with the highest process "ah_dcd" 

Client trail is not showing all events 

How to differentiate an end system authentication type (MAC or 802.1x )based on end system events re... 

Are there any special characters not allowed to be in PPSK password? 

License Expiration Notice: Some assigned entitlements expire in X Days 

Are there any special characters not allowed to be in PPSK usernames? 

Disconnection issue in WLAN 

Why are my APs set to 2.4GHz but broadcasting 5GHz? 

XIQ-C | Clevertouch panels disconnecting from MBA SSIDs 

The number of activated licenses doesn't match the number of online devices on XIQ 

What will happen to APs managed in HMOL (HiveManager Classic) when it discontinues? 

Where to find XIQ - Network 360 Plan? 

How to disable LEDs on specific Access Points in ExtremeCloud IQ 

Why doesn't the Client monitor show the username and client details for some of the PPSK authenticat... 

VLAN creation is not possible in private XIQ 

XIQ - Alert email notification before the subscription license expires 

What is the end of life plan for Hive Manager Online (HMOL)? 

WEB GUI in XIQ doesn't allow changing Advanced Access Security Controls in SSID settings 

Is it possible to configure AP5010 to operate in dual or triple 5 GHz mode? 

Newly added AP is not showing up on the Manage Devices page in XIQ 


If you have any requests for new articles, please let us know! You can either comment on this post, or email me directly at