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Attempting to connect to the console on a D-series Enterasys switch, D2G124-12P

Attempting to connect to the console on a D-series Enterasys switch, D2G124-12P

New Contributor
I don't have the original cable that comes with the switch and this may simply be the problem. Have tried a host of other cables trying to get a console connection to configure the switch - where can I purchase a cable that will work? If I get the right cable, I am assuming it should work? This seems very complicated for a simple configuration issue.

Not meaning to revive a dead thread, but this pinout was a standard way back when. Back in old cabletron days I believe it was an old T1 or E1 pinout that was reused and has been around since before the secureswitch 6k days.

Contributor II
The D2 adapter is the same as adapters for other EOS switches (S-Series, K-Series, N-Series, G-Series, 800 Series, and so on). At least the 800 Series console cable is still in the Extreme Networks price list (08A-CON-CBL, 800 SERIES CONSOLE CABLE KIT).

If you are looking at used cables / adapters, they might be called Enterasys instead of Extreme. 

Extreme Employee
Table 2-2 Console Port Pinout
Pin Connection
2 Unused
3 Unused
6 Unused
7 Unused
8 Unused

Extreme Employee
Connecting to the Console Port
The RS-232 console port uses a standard 8-pin RJ45 connector. An RJ45 to DB9 adapter is provided
with the switch, but you must provide your own RJ45 to RJ45 straight-through console cable.
Refer to Table 2-2 for console port pinout assignments.
Refer to Table 2-3 on page 2-30 for RJ45 to DB9 adapter pinout assignments.
To connect to the console port:
1. Connect the RJ45 connector at one end of the cable to the RJ45 console port on the D2 switch.
2. Plug the RJ45 connector at the other end of the cable into the RJ45 to DB9 adapter.
3. Connect the RJ45 to DB9 adapter to the serial port on a terminal or a PC running terminal
emulation software.
4. Make sure the terminal emulation software is set as follows:
– Select the appropriate serial port (COM port 1 or 2).
– Set the data rate to 9600 baud.
– Set the data format to 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
– Set flow control to none.
– Set the emulation mode to VT100.
– When using HyperTerminal, select Terminal keys, not Windows keys.
5. When you are ready to begin configuring the D2 switch, use the procedures in “Completing
the Installation” on page 2-37 to power on the switch and boot the software. You will perform
initial setup by entering CLI commands on the management console.