When you disable netlogin on the switch, it allows traffic through, which is why the RADIUS message generated by radclient can get through. the end system is not the RADIUS client. you should not be using radclient on your end system. RADIUS is not a...
I'd check the FreeRadius output. Try running freeradius in debug mode (-X) and capturing the request coming through and seeing if an access-reject is being sent or not. If you don't even see the request then check your firewall or selinux settings. I...
you created a second interface in a different subnet and you’re expecting a host with an IP in one subnet to be able to talk to another IP in a different subnet on the same L2 domain? Can you please explain what you are trying to do?
I believe with the 7G blades you need an advanced routing license to use extended ACLs. Did you apply the access list to an interface? you can also use L2 policy for some of the same functionality.
It should be possible to mirror a 10Gb port to a 1Gb port. You will just not be able to mirror all the packets once the output (1Gb) port is oversubscribed, and additional packets will be dropped.