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Invalid IP configured in Enterasys VH-2402S

Invalid IP configured in Enterasys VH-2402S

New Contributor
I have acquired an Enterasys VH-2402S switch. I am unable to communicate with it using console management port via puTTy (black screen/no response) or any other method. I had no idea of the IP configured in this switch. After some thought, since I acquired this switch from a network guy, who also did not know the IP, suggested I try a range of IPs in the 172.22.xx.xx range since it came from his company. Using AdvanceIP Scanner I was able to determine the configured IP address of the switch is 172.22.xx.255. Wow. This is an invalid IP I'm sure, and is preventing me access to it via CLI / ethernet cable. How do I gain access to this switch? I asked that network guy and just got a shrug and statement that I probably can't. It's almost like he knew it and wasn't bothering with it... Anyway, any ideas on how I can get access to this switch to change the IP to make the switch useful? Thnks!

I'm going to print this out Robert. I think I follow it up to a point. I will give it a go and report back. Thanks!

New Contributor
Oh, I think you are right about the MAC and it doesn't match the MAC on the back of the switch. I can say that the PC in not currently connected to any network or internet, just standalone for this switch thing...
---just got nmap installed, will be looking at that now...

Honored Contributor
You'd run wireshark to capture packets from the swtich - If the switch has a default gw configured you should see his IP.

e.g. my switch has .151 and is looking for the default gw of .254

214 26.557654 ExtremeN_8b:d2:98 Broadcast ARP 60 Who has Tell

But I still think the best way to access the switch is the console e.g. if the switch has no IP - right now we only assume there is one configured

Here the console port settings of the switch...
Configure the terminal to the following communication settings:
VT100 emulation, 19200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no
flow control, ASCII character set

You'll only see the switch/router if it sends out a packet. If this is an inband IP address of a switch, it will not send a packet out unless it is trying to reach a log host, time server, or some kind of authentication server. If it is a router, it will send out ARP requests if it has a packet for a system that should be on its network for which it does not have a MAC address in the ARP tables.
FWIW, I'd use nmap, scan a network and search for open, known ports of the device in question, i.e. if you suspect it is on and the device supports http management, nmap -p 80 and wait for it to find the device. You can then target for additional services at the specific address.

I redid this and still receive a black screen in putty with no response from the switch. I have also pressed enter a couple of times to see if that would bring up response. Nothing. It was suggested to me previously to unplug the switch while putty was still up and the serial cables attached and then plug the switch back in. Apparently sometimes this will bring a response in the console, but that does't do anything either; still a black screen in putty.