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Bonjour Traffic \ AirPlay

Bonjour Traffic \ AirPlay

New Contributor
We are setting up Apple TVā€™s in a classroom environment to allow faculty to connect via wireless using Airplay Mirroring and project their screen. In general, I'm interested in how others are handling Bonjour traffic on a routed network and\or how network admins are handling this type solution in a bridged at controller environment.

New Contributor
If mu to mu is blocked, then the other ports that are needed for airplay are blocked. The initial airplay find works because the multicast is bridged to AP(switch vlan) and not affected by mu to mu block. However, as soon as I try to click on airplay, nothing happens because client to client communication over other ports is required. If I disable mu to mu blocking, then everything works fine. The only viable workaround I can think of is to disable mu to mu blocking and setup filters on the AP that don't allow src client network to talk to dst of client network and then allow airplay ports before the deny. Any other solutions?

New Contributor III
If you need more detailed instructions how to implement bonjour enabled networks, ask the EGTAC for the technical reference guide v.1.1 (Sept. 10th, 2012). This paper is available for partners.

Extreme Employee

Let me check on the status of the whitepaper to see if I can post it. Also if you have any questions on setting it up please let us know by contacting the GTAC directly. We will gladly assist.

Doug Hyde
Sr Support Engineer
Extreme Networks

Doug Hyde
Director, Technical Support / Extreme Networks

New Contributor II
With the new 8.31 code I can isolate bonjour traffic to vlans and assign those to specific buildings. sweet.