In the process of creating a custom report that aggregates multiple reports into one, namely the ability to produce the results of the average availability of all switches over a custom period of time.
Have managed to formulate the MySQL query below:
SELECT rpt_target.objectIDName AS Switch_IP, from_unixtime(rpt_default_day.time_stamp / 1000) AS 'Date', rpt_default_day.average
FROM rpt_default_day
INNER JOIN rpt_target on rpt_target.targetID=rpt_default_day.targetID
AND statisticID = 11
AND time_stamp >= 1491174000000
AND time_stamp <= 1493766000000
ORDER BY average ASC LIMIT 1000This does the job, and all I need to do is change the dates to get the schedule I want. But what I would like to be able to do is create a 'MyReport', similar to the one shown in this post:
The problem is I don't understand how the XML code is formatted, and wondered if anyone could help or point me in the right direction?
Many thanks in advance