‎07-13-2016 07:50 PM
Could you please share how you do it ?
Even in my small lab network it's a pain to enable statistics collection.
To do it for the device is OK as it's one click but to do it for every interface is a very annoying task.
I'd need to open every device one by one and select the ports and enable it.
Even worst let's say you replace a AP you need to remember to enable the stats collection in EMC ..... or if you add a new SSID.
Or do I don't unterstand it and you don't enable it for every interface in the network ?
Are there any plans to set it global so on every new device all interfaces are enabled by default ?
‎07-14-2016 11:36 AM
‎07-14-2016 11:36 AM
‎07-14-2016 11:36 AM
‎07-14-2016 11:36 AM