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Extreme Management Center rel user RO

Extreme Management Center rel user RO

Contributor III

Hi team,


I want to create users for monitoring with only read access to Networks, Alarms & Events section.

And if it possible, only to execute restricted commands, like show commands o create (not delete) vlans (for example).

Once the user is created under OS, I think that I have to create a new Authorization Groups with these rights and  link user to that, but the problem is that a customized group has a lot of  capabilities for select, and I don´t know what is the minimun to achive at least the first requirement.

What are the minimun capabilities to slect in order to have RO user in all section or at lest in Networks  and Alarms & Events?

Is there any way to achieve the second rights?

Thanks in advance!!



Contributor III

Thanks Ron, I thought the same, the devices SNMP profile is the same.

One more question, I prefer give GUI access than CLI to thise users, or atleast give the two options, but with your rights (as you see in the previous image) only have CLI, Do you know what capability must be enable? Sorry but I can´t find it.



Thanks in advance!!!

Honored Contributor

OK now I get what you mean with the terminal access….


AFAIK the terminal uses the user/pw that is configured in the device SNMP profile > CLI credentials so there is no difference in rw or ro user = I don’t see how what you are looking for is possible.



Contributor III

Thanks Ron, giving only the rights shown in that post, the user only gain Access to Networks and Alarms section in RO, but still is able open CLI session with all rights.


any way to limit?






Honored Contributor

Even it’s a old post it’s still the same principle so here the link for an example...


As you’d see most sections have a “read-only” and a “read/write” access option.

Just select the read-only for whatever section you’d like to give access and give it a try.

