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Feed Purview data into Splunk

Feed Purview data into Splunk

Valued Contributor
I've found the white paper on integrating Splunk with Purview, and it looks great, but I can't find any technical detail on how to get the data from Purview into Splunk. What's the process for bringing the data across?

You should change the the metadata separator to something different than newline, e.g. a space with metadataDelimiter=" ", otherwise splunk will interpret the metadata lines as new events. Adding the line to the syslog config should be all you need. Afte changing appidconfig.conf you should restart purview with appidctl restart. I don't remember if you need to restart syslog after changing the rsyslog.d, if you changes are not immediately applied try restarting the syslog daemon (probably with service rsyslog restart, I don't remember either, I usually reboot the whole appliance but a service restart should suffice)

Hi Salvador, thanks for the info. I've just had a look in appidconfig.xml, and there's actually two lines:

Should I uncomment the splunk one then add the line to rsyslog.d?

New Contributor
Hi James, I am getting this answered for you so I apologize for the delay.