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how to add port groups to Eaps Domain in Netsight ?

how to add port groups to Eaps Domain in Netsight ?

New Contributor II
In Ridgeline you would create port groups and associate those port groups to a defined Eaps Domain and run a script to add a new vlan to those ports. How would you perform this in Netsight 6.3 ?

Thank you for the information. Are ports 1:6 and 2:6 already members of vlan 'burke_commerce'? If they are not, they need to be added to the vlan. If you have not already done so, these same ports need to be added to the EAPS control vlan too.


My script on NetSight



# Define your user parameters in this section. For reference, see EPICenter bundled scripts.


#@VariableFieldLabel (description = "VLAN Name",

# type = String,

# scope = global,

# required = yes

# )

set var vlanname ""


#@VariableFieldLabel (description = "VLAN Tag", type = String,

# scope = global,

# required = yes

# )

set var vlannametag ""


# Enter all CLI commands from here

create vlan $vlanname

config vlan $vlanname tag $vlannametag

disable igmp snooping vlan $vlanname

config eaps burke_commerce add protected $vlanname

config $vlanname add port $port tagged

regexp {.*Adding EAPS ring ports to a VLAN could cause a loop.*} ${CLI.OUT} foundit

IF ([info exists foundit]) THEN



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Were there any messages in the switch log indicating a problem as the script ran? If there are some, please post the output of those messages too.

a total of 3 switches and 6 ports