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installing NMS (NetSight) in Windows "404 - Not Found"

installing NMS (NetSight) in Windows "404 - Not Found"

New Contributor
Hi All,

Upon installing NMS (NetSight) in Windows I encountered "404 - Not Found" when I trying to log in it to web browser.

https://IP address:8443

https://IP address:8080



Can you help me on this?


Check release notes XMC 8.0.5:

Upgrade Information Extreme Management Center 8.0.5 supports upgrades from Extreme Management Center version 7.1.3 only. If you are upgrading from a NetSight/Extreme Management Center version prior to 7.1.3, you must perform an intermediate upgrade. For example, if you are upgrading from Extreme Management Center 7.0, you must first upgrade to Extreme Management Center 7.1.3, and then upgrade to Extreme Management Center 8.0.5.
When performing an upgrade, be sure to back up the database prior to performing the upgrade, and save it to a safe location. Use the Administration > Backup/Restore tab to perform the backup.
The NetSight Server service may not start after upgrading Extreme Management Center to version 8.0.5 on a system on which the Windows Server 2008 operating system is installed. Restarting Windows corrects this issue.
When upgrading the Application Analytics engines to version 8.0.5 after upgrading from version 6.1 to 7.1.3, the upgrade does not complete successfully. To successfully upgrade the engine to version 8.0.5 after upgrading from version 6.1 to 7.1.3, enter dpkg --purge postgresql* in the command line, then upgrade the Application Analytics engine to version 8.0.5.
Important Upgrade Considerations l
When upgrading the Extreme Management Center server, Application Analytics engine, or Extreme Access Control engine to version 8.0.5, ensure the DNS server IP address is correctly configured. Additionally, upgrading requires an internet connection and may take additional time due to the upgrade of the Linux Ubuntu operating system from version 12 to version 14. During this time, the engine may not be accessible via SSH. If no internet connection is available, see Migrating or Upgrading to a 64-bit Extreme Management Center Engine.


New Contributor III
@Volker: We wait 36 hours and the webfront wasn´t reachable. At our site the restore was failed. In this case he doesn´t build any database.

Hi Nico,Kurt,Volker, As I am reading your replies, he need to check first the logs right? Is there any needed upgrade or downgrade in versions? Thanks and best regards, Newbie

Hi !

We did several upgrades form V7 to V8.05. At the first time we had (or we thought we had) the same issue. The second try shows us the problem: XMS needs up to 2 hours for migrating/building database ...
So try to keep calm and wait and look at the logs and netstat.

Knowing that we had never again a failed upgrade...


New Contributor III

last week we have the same Problem. We have NetSight 7.3 and make a Backup. After restore the Backup in NetSight 8.0.5 on a new server, the Restore was failed. After this issue it was not possible to beame a log in window. So we upgrade the NetSight 7.3 to 8.0.5 backup the Netsight and restore it on the new Server.