since ‎09-07-2021

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Integration of XIQ APs into XMC control (NAC) for AAA needs to preconfigure possible RADIUS supplicants in control. This is the base to communicate from AP via RADIUS to control. Having hundreds of APs in a location (site) they all are possible Radiu...
We have developed an automated generation of SN based licenses in the Extreme License Portal. This makes it possible to generate large quantities of licenses in a very short time and without errors. We use this for 10GE licenses (16542/16543) for X44...
XCC: With RF Policy we can configure the baseline for channel selection and power range. Using this RF profile with a device group in the site configuration it will be activated on the APs in this device group. Having the requirement to fix the used ...
For VOSS we have some ideas out of the usage in the field:L3 interface enable/disable function (we are using preconfiguration before L3 migration from legacy core/distribution networks to campus fabric)ERSPAN like EXOS to support more than VSP physic...
APs are mostly authenticated at a switchport to use an automatic configuration of switchport behaviours (VLANs, port authentication, ..) like I mentioned in my “AP-Aware” idea. We need this function as well for authentication and automation to connec...