New Contributor III
since ‎09-07-2021

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Hello, i want to install the X-Large VE6125 XCA. I can´t find the RSE Upgrade File in Extreme Portal. Can somebody help me? Thanks Nico
Hello, we have installed a new Extreme Management Center. The old one is about 10 years old and in the past we take a backup. But now we installed a new Management and configure all. But i want to use my Maps from One View, where all all Floor plans...
Hello, today i want to change users in another AD user Group. I Change the user Group Value in NAC. After this no authentications are successfull. i Change back to the old configuration but also all Management Logins are rejected. I also reboot all ...
Hello, i have the following Problem. We authenticate to our Switches via Management Login and LDAP. Since the Firmware Upgrade to Version the Management Login doesn´t work, but only with X440 G2 Switches. With X460 G2 it works. Does somebod...
Hello, we have two virtual WLAN Controller V2110. Does somebody know if it´s possible to see, which Clients use WPA and which Clients use WPA2 in the same SSID. We have activated WPA and WPA2 in one SSID but now we Change the Group Policy in the AD ...