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Is nodealias coming to XOS ?

Is nodealias coming to XOS ?

New Contributor III
I have used netsight almost everyday for the last 5 years to manage our network. Compass and nodealias was one of my best tools to trace workstations/printers/servers using mac address or ip address to ports with ease.

Now that we a migrating our enterasys xos c3/c5 fleet to x460-g2s I am getting frustrated that I cannot search for devices like i used to.

fdb is only helpfull up to a point, the entry times out after the device looses connection with the network.

Contributor III
nodealias is a very good and easy mechanism on EOS Switches to provide MAC / IP / Hostname (via Compass and NAC).

Identity Manager on EXOS is compareable but have one bid disadvantage! EXOS need absolutely an IP Address on every vlan (where information will snooped). in a standard config a L2 switch does NOT have IPs in all VLANs. And the most customers are not willing to give all L2 Switches IPs in all VLANs.

So from this point of view i hope (and wait) that Extreme will implement / enhance IM in the same way as EOS nodealias will getting this information!


New Contributor III
I will give this a go and feed back. Thank you very much for the prompt awnser.

Extreme Employee

As you move into XOS, you can enable identity manager on the switch to provide Netsight the same information (MAC, IP and User Name). If you are running the Netsight 6.3 or later there is a new option in "Scripting" and then selecting "Identity and Access". -> "Identity Management - Configuration" - If you run the script, select the switches you want to enable on --> You fill out the user/pass for your Netsight server. set the ports (end user ports only) and set the virtual-router (usually vr-default). Run the script and it will setup IDM on the XOS switch and then push end-station information directly into Netsight and consequently be able to search in Compass. if you want to see it on the switch, run the command "show identity-management entries". If you are running version 21.1.x you will need 21.2 as some change in 21.1 and ssh broke the interface. You can see if the switch is talking to Netsight by using the command "show xml-notification status" - if connected you are good.

Give it a shot and let me know if you have a questions.


New Contributor III
Thank you for that.