EDIT: I completely missed your original question. You want to know how to make this show up *in Netsight*. So disregard this answer. Sorry. š
I have found that a lot of the fields come back empty. The AP name variable is $alarmSourceName.
You can edit these, if you didn't already know that. This is how to you get to the screen to edit the AP Out of Service alarm ...

And then here are the fields that I have selected (because everything else comes back null/empty) ...
Source: $alarmSource
Source Name: $alarmSourceName
Severity: $severity
Message: $message
Here is an example of an alarm message that I received ...
Source: 15302125085J0000
Source Name: PT-Services-AP2
Severity: Critical
Message: AP[15302125085J0000] out of Service on EWC[]