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Netsight / EMS time lapse data retention settings/limitations?

Netsight / EMS time lapse data retention settings/limitations?

Is anyone aware of a retention setting for location data in Netsight (in regards to wireless clients)? I find that when I am tracking a client, I can usually only roll back the past 15 minutes or so. Certainly no more than an hour.

Is this data coming from a cache that is flushed periodically? If so, is there a way to raise the retention period so that I can have more historical data?

We have had some complaints from wireless users and I believe that their mobile carts are being dragged between different floors - but the NIC is remaining connected (or reconnecting) to the originating floor. But I don't really have enough history to see half or a full workday.

I am running version

Just an update on this: I heard back from an engineer earlier in the week. He stated that there is a limitation of 20 location updates cached away at any time for a host. This would explain why you can only turn back time "so far". He said that this can be adjusted using some debugging tricks, but also offered to put in a feature request for me.

This has been submitted as feature request# 1283123. The request is to allow the user to change this from 20 to something else.

Honored Contributor
Looks like I'd need a pay raise to afford a larger flat so I'd install more APs for location triangulation 😞


I have a feeling that there is no setting for the retention. I have opened a case on this in the form of a feature request (along with some other wish-list stuff). Case number is 01273808.

I will drop any feedback that I receive into this post.

Thanks for taking the time to set up a test environment. Seems like there should be a setting for retention. But I can't find it.