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Netsight Manager Alarm Custom Criteria Not Working

Netsight Manager Alarm Custom Criteria Not Working

New Contributor II
I have an event in NetSight ARP violation is recorded in Syslog, but when I set the alarm on the Alarm Manager did not reach the alarm console nor the email.

I set the alarm for Trap and Custom Criteria but neither works. Attached pictures to collaborate me with their contributions.

Thank you for your recommendations.





Contributor II
If I look the server.log file, I see that after the Test of execution of the script made from OneView page, appear a message error tat is the following:$ tail -f server.log

2017-07-21 16:24:00,962 ERROR [com.enterasys.netsight.api.notification.NotifyActionContent] Error deserializing loadFromXml xml blob

My custom arguments are the following:
"root" "password" $message "/(?<=src: )(.*)(?=; dst:)/" "CK infected" "" "8443" "Distributed_IPS"

I've noted that if I set the parameters from OneView, these are not saved, and I need to add these from the java console.

Contributor II
Hi Ronald,
here are the screenshot taked from java console or from OneView:


The test seems to be executed correctly, instead the script is not executed.
If I run the same script from CLI on the EMC with the same parameters passed in the action, it ends correctly.

Honored Contributor
Hi Antonio,

could you post some screenshots so we better unterstand the problem.

I think it's best to open a separate forum thread for it.

- Ron

Contributor II
I've open the console java client and from this client, seems that the Override Content filed il related only to the email format, and not as described in the GTAC solution "Can NetSight Alarm be configured to run a script?" to the paramters to pass to the script.
Is possible to pass custom parameters to a script?