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Netsight Oneview Applications shows fingerprint matches, but no detail or bandwidth figures?

Netsight Oneview Applications shows fingerprint matches, but no detail or bandwidth figures?

I have a new setup with a wireless controller dumping mirror data into Netsight. I had a lot of trouble getting this going initially. One of my issues resulted in having to disable the management interface and start using a "physical" type topology to manage my controller. This became the IP of the controller in Netsight. But I have to wonder if that old IP is still floating around in a config file somewhere on the Netsight side?

Anyway - the problem is this ... I am collecting all sorts of fingerprint data and application flows. But when I try to look at a bandwidth chart, I see nothing? For something like Facebook, I am getting a ton of hits. Yet '0' bandwidth usage?


Can anyone think of where I might have something mis-configured?

Also, a completely unrelated question (hijacking my own thread): When I am in the Wireless tab > Clients, with a particular client selected ... is there any way for me to go to an applications view for that client? I know that I can go to the Applications tab and then search for that client by MAC, but it seems like there has to be a direct method. And it seems like click-drag is disallowed on that Clients page so I can't do a copy/paste between those tabs.


I still have a case open with support. So far, no one has been able to figure this out. I am tempted to pull the plug on this server and start over. But I would hate to go through all the work only to arrive to the same problem.

Honored Contributor
Hey Steve,

could you try the same report but from OneView > Applications > Reports
On the right you'll see the most used applications - right click and choose Application usage for xyz.

Regarding to the 2nd question - I also didn't found a way to do it but I think it would be great to have such redirect.


Hello Ron,

That trick works to pull up applications - but - it's empty! When I am looking at Active Flows, and then choose to show all flows for that client, I get nothing. Seems like something is disconnected with the flow of data?