The first 3 are for the report itself, having duplicate report ids is a bad thing. You could have the title and category be whatever you like.
Anyways the in regards to the sql query.
You can try it yourself on the netsight server.
1.) /usr/local/Extreme_Networks/NetSight/scripts$ ./
you'll now be in the sql interface.
2.) Enter the following
SELECT t.displayName AS Name, (truncate(r.val ,3)) AS Utilization
FROM netsightrpt.rpt_default_raw r LEFT OUTER JOIN netsightrpt.rpt_target t
ON r.targetID=t.targetID WHERE r.statisticID=(
SELECT statisticID FROM netsightrpt.rpt_statistic WHERE name="ifUtilization")
AND time_stamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW() - INTERVAL 20 MINUTE) * 1000;
This will output 100 stat variables similar to default report.
3.) Add the filter for one of the switches you desire
SELECT t.displayName AS Name, (truncate(r.val ,3)) AS Utilization
FROM netsightrpt.rpt_default_raw r LEFT OUTER JOIN netsightrpt.rpt_target t
ON r.targetID=t.targetID WHERE r.statisticID=(
SELECT statisticID FROM netsightrpt.rpt_statistic WHERE name="ifUtilization")
AND time_stamp > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW() - INTERVAL 20 MINUTE) * 1000 and t.displayName like '%' ;
Basically, what we're taking is the t.displayName and filtering the output to a particular IP at that point. My example it would be '%'